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Philosophy of Science (Spring 2017)



OFFICE HOURS: Tuesdays and Thursdays, 3:30PM-5:00PM; or by appointment

TEXT:  -Philosophy of Science: A very short introduction, by Samir Okasha

-additional selected papers to be made available online on the class website


1/17:  Syllabus and the demarcation problem

1/19:  The demarcation problem, day 2

  • Okasha, 1-2

  • Bird, 1-10 (intro, “The Nature of Science”)

1/24:  The demarcation problem--Popper and Falsificationism 

1/26: Scientific explanation, Hempel and the covering law model

  • Okasha, 40-45

1/31: Scientific explanation, causal priority if empiricism

  • Okasha, 45-52

2/2: Laws of nature, empiricist regularity theories

  • Bird, 25-34

2/7: Laws of nature, the Dretske, Tooley, Armstrong theory

  • Bird, 49-54

2/9: Hume’s problem of induction, day 1

2/14: Hume’s problem of induction and inference to the best explanation

2/16: Hume’s problem of induction--epistemology and defending robust causation

2/21:  Inference to the best explanation and Scientific Realism

  • Okasha, 58-66

2/23:  Instrumentalism, operationalism, and constructive empiricism, day 1

2/28:  Instrumentalism, operationalism, and constructive empiricism, day 2

  • Bird, 141-147

3/2: Kuhn and scientific revolutions

3/7: Scientific revolutions and the rationality of science

  • Podcast project assigned

3/9: Scientific revolutions and realism

  • Okasha, 92-94

Experiments that support Einstein’s theory of relativity




3/21:  Moderate forms of realism, and IBE revisited

3/23:  Quantum mechanics: the double-slit experiment, metaphysical realism, and indeterminism

3/28:    Quantum mechanics: evaluating competing theories of QM


(optional: more detail):

3/30:    Feminist Philosophy of Science, day 1

  • Godfrey-Smith, 136-144

4/4:     Feminist Philosophy of Science--values in theory construction and selection

  • Godfrey-Smith, 144-148

4/6:     Natural kinds--What are they, and do they exist?

  • Bird, 95-104

4/11:    Natural kinds, day 2

  • Bird, 112-120

4/13:    Issues in Philosophy of Biology: Is there a biological basis for race distinctions?, day 1

4/18:    Issues in Philosophy of Biology: Is there a biological basis for race distinctions?, day 2

4/20:    Religious faith and scientific practice:  are they compatible?

4/25:    Theism and scientific theory: are they compatible?

  • Plantinga, 266-274 (but feel free to keep reading!)

4/27:    Atheism and scientific practice: are they compatible?

5/2:      Final class discussion and poster making workshop

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