Philosophy of Religion (Spring 2016)
CONTACT: jtolly@nd.edu
OFFICE HOURS: @ AuBonPan in the Hesburgh Library, Mondays 1:30PM-2:30PM; Wednesdays 1:30PM-3:30PM; or by appointment
TEXT: Philosophy of Religion: An Anthology (7 th edition), Edited by Louis P. Pojman and Michael Rea
-additional selected papers to be made available online on the class website
1/13: Introduction
Validity and Arguments 101
Introduction to the Problem of Evil
1/18: The Problem of Evil (part 1)
Excerpts from J.L. Mackie -- "Evil and Omnipotence"
1/20: The Problem of Evil (part 2)
Excerpts from Alvin Plantinga -- "The Free Will Defense"
Excerpts from John Hick -- "Evil and Soul Making"
1/25: The Problem of Evil (part 3)
Fyodor Dostoevsky -- "Rebellion"
Excerpts from William Rowe -- "The Problem of Evil and Some Varieties of Atheism"
1/27: The Problem of Evil (part 4)
Laura Ekstrom -- "Suffering as Religious Experience"
2/1: Fine Tuning (part 1)
Robin Collins -- "A Scientific Argument for God's Existence"
2/3: Fine Tuning (part 2)
2/8: Against a theistic basis for morality
Peter Singer -- video: "Ethics without Religion" up to 41:00
2/10: For a theistic basis for morality
George Mavrodes -- "The Queerness of Morality"
2/15: Can faith be rational?
Lara Buchak -- "Can it be Rational to have Faith?"
2/17: Does one need arguments to have rational theistic belief?
Michael Bergmann -- "Rational Religious Belief Without Arguments"
2/22: Rationality and religious belief wrap-up
2/24: Hell: What is it, and is it justified? (part 1)
Ted Sider -- "Hell and Vagueness"
2/29: Hell: What is it, and is it justified? (part 2)
Excerpts from C.S. Lewis -- The Great Divorce
3/2: Hell wrap-up
3/5-3/13: Spring Break
3/14: What is faith? (part 1)
Excerpts from Daniel Howard-Snyder -- "Propositional Faith: What It Is and What It Is Not"
3/16: What is faith? (part 2)
3/21: God exists inside of time
Excerpts from Stephen T. Davis -- Logic and the Nature of God
3/23: God exists outside of time
Hugh J. McCann -- "The God Beyond Time"
3/25-3/28: Easter Break
3/30: Omniscience rules out human freedom
Excerpts from Nelson Pike -- "Divine Omniscience and Voluntary Action"
4/4: Omniscience is consistent with human freedom
Excerpts from Alvin Plantinga -- God, Freedom and Evil
4/6: Does God have freedom? (part 1)
Excerpts from William Rowe -- "Can God be Free?"
4/11: Does God have freedom? (part 2)
Edward Wierenga -- "The Freedom of God"
4/13: Hindu Metaphysics
Excerpts from Sushanta Sen -- "The Vedic-Upanisadic Concept of Brahman (The Highest God)"
4/18: Emptiness and Buddhist Ethics
Excerpts from Christopher Ives -- "Emptiness: Soteriology and Ethics in Mahayana Buddhism"
4/20: Testimony and Miracles (part 1)
Excerpts from David Hume -- An Enquiry Concerning Human Understanding
4/25: Testimony and Miracles (part 2)
Peter van Inwagen -- "Of 'Of Miracles'"
4/27: Closing discussion and paper writing workshop
5/2: Final paper presentation conference